Thursday, 22 May 2014

Crewel To Be Kind

The next meeting is on Tuesday 10th June and is a "hands on" led by Sue Baguley. Sue will provide kits and you will only need to bring your needles and an embroidery hoop if you have one.
Sue writes:

I have spent some time looking at the difference between Crewel and Jacobean Embroidery. Most people, when looking at the history between the two, have reached the conclusion that the main difference is the use of wool in crewel work and the use of a variety of threads, silk, metal, beads and wool in Jacobean work.
Many of the designs are interchangeable and can be adapted for either preference. My personal preference is using the the Jacobean style on a variety of patterns which I would refer to as being broadly Crewel patterns.
Although this may not suit purists, I find it achieves a result which I hope you find as agreeable to you as much as I do.



Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Memories in Stitches by Rosemary Watson

On 13th May the branch was treated to a talk by Rosemary Watson entitled "Memories in Stitches".
As each memory was recounted a piece of embroidery was unveiled to "Oohs" and "Aahs" from the audience.
Rosemary with some of her stumpwork


Bird embroideries done in her teens, cross-stitch granddaughter, and "The Age of Innocence" (bluebells in the washing machine)



Memories of an Egyptian holiday

Where we went courting


Wildlife in Kenya

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Memories in Stitches

The next meeting will be on Tuesday 13th May and will be a talk by Rosemary Watson entitled "Memories in Stitches". Rosemary has been a member of the Guild for many years and is a past Chairman. Her work is of the highest quality and it will be a treat to see some of her early work and hear about the memories attached to them.