Tuesday, 17 June 2014

The Great Tapestry of Scotland

Members visiting Scotland this summer might like to visit The Great Tapestry of Scotland.  It will be on display at the Scottish Parliament Building, Edinburgh from 1st July to 13th September 2014 (closed Sundays). It will also be at the New Lanark World Heritage Site from 20th October until 22nd November 2014.  It is the world's longest tapestry at 143 metres (469 feet) long, but don't expect all the panels to be joined together!



Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Patchwork Workshop with Jean Kiford

The next workshop is "Patchwork" with Jean Kilford on Tuesday 24th June when participants will be able to make a useful case, some examples of which are shown in the pictures.

an example of Jean's quilts

Crewel work "hands on"

The meeting on Tuesday 10th June was a "hands on" event led by Sue Baguley. We all tried to produce crewel work to a design provided by Sue, with great success on the most part. There was lots of chatter and helpful advice and a thoroughly good time was had by members and visitors.

Sue also brought some of her fabulous work for us to see