Saturday, 19 September 2015

September AGM

I was very sorry to miss the September meeting, the competition and the AGM.

I have been told Hazel brought along a rich variety of vestments to illustrate her talk "What's in the Vestry" and everyone enjoyed that part of the meeting.  Thanks Hazel.

Pam Hancock won the competition. Congratulations Pam!

The AGM did not go so well with no one being willing to stand for the positions which must be filled in order for the branch to continue (i.e. Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer). This means that once Hazel has finalised the accounts the branch will be wound up by the Embroiderers' Guild Headquarters. The paperwork and banner were taken away by Val Coleshaw, Chair of the North West Region.

I have been a member of the Alsager and District Branch of the Embroiderers' Guild for a good many years and have enjoyed every talk, demonstration, workshop and activity that I have attended so am very sad to see it ending like this.

Thanks to everyone who worked so hard over the years to make it the success it has been.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

September meeting

The meeting on Tuesday 8th September will be a talk by Hazel Rugman entitled "What's in the Vestry?"

Don't forget to bring your entry for the annual competition which this year is a pincushion.

This will be followed by the AGM. Our Branch Banner will be on display at the meeting. This was made by members.

Visitors are welcome to the meeting but will have to leave before the AGM

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Stitch Challenge

The August meeting sent us scurrying to our emergency pack as we had no speaker. Luckily Sheila had prepared for just such an eventuality and we had material, threads, scissors and a challenge all to hand. We were slightly hampered by the lack of needles but Muriel Campbell came to the rescue producing her needle case that she had been using on the train from Scotland. Muriel had come to visit us as a representative of the Embroiderers' Guild, to chat with us and answer any questions we may have had about the running of the Guild. As many of you may know, some of our members are planning not to re-join for the coming year and numbers are getting perilously low. We also need nominations for the committee places that will be vacated at the next meeting. Please attend on 8th September and make your voices heard (and bring a friend).

stitch challenge
Lots of the square samples that we are going to piece together have been finished. Perhaps if we finish our stitch challenges they can be added too? 

Good news from Sue Baguley. She has entered some of her work in Nantwich Show and has won again. Well done Sue. Your box is beautiful.


Monday, 10 August 2015

UFO finally finished

Jean Kilford started this Vogue pattern in1981 when her son was a toddler but never completed it. Now she has two granddaughters and enforced time at home she has finally got around to finishing it - just in time for her eldest granddaughter's 2nd birthday at the end of the month!

alligator for teaching zips

hippo for teaching buttons and buttonholes

kangaroo for teaching buckles

pelican for teaching hooks and eyes

turtle for teaching press studs
bear for teaching laces
elephant for teaching buttons and loops
giraffe for teaching bows
lion for teaching plaiting
If anyone has any work, finished or unfinished, they would like to share please let me have pictures and I will put them on the blog.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

11th August meeting

Sorry Folks, But the advertised talk for the next meeting will not be happening. Unfortunately Sue Sercombe is away so instead we will  have a "hands on" event sewing something from the "emergency pack". I am told it will be a stitch challenge along the lines of Jan Beaney and Jean Littlejohn. Sounds intriguing! Do please still come along and bring your friends.
                               Alsager Library
                      1.45 for a prompt 2pm start
                       Entrance Members £2.50
                                        Visitors £3.50

Another Date for Your Diary

The North Lonsdale Branch
  are holding an Embroidery and Textile exhibition
 Saturday 5th September, 10 am to 3 pm
 the Methodist Hall, Kents Bank Road, Grange Over Sands, LA11 7EY

Monday, 27 July 2015

Date for Your Diary

                     The Embroiderers' Guild North Wales Branch Biennial Exhibition

Making Waves... ... in Stitch

United Reform Church, Colwyn Avenue, Rhos on Sea, LL28 4RA
Friday 30th October 10.30 am - 5 pm
Saturday 31st October 10.30 am - 4 pm
Entrance Adults £2 Under 18 £0.50

Overlord Embroidery

If you are travelling to the South Coast this summer try to find time to visit The Overlord Embroidery on display at the D-Day Museum, Portsmouth. Made up of 34 stunning panels the embroidery is displayed continuously round a purpose built room that allows you to see the overall effect as well as marvel at the workmanship close up.


Thursday, 23 July 2015

Message from Rubina Porter MBE

Message from Rubina Porter MBE
May I invite you to Liverpool Town Hall, High St, Liverpool L2 3SW to visit this magnificent grade 1 listed building. It is beautiful.
Free entry and your family and friends are all welcome. The children will enjoy all the treasures it has to offer.
Threading Dreams Exhibition
Exhibition of textiles and embroidery from The Sreepur Village Bangladesh and also from the rural areas. All this beautiful work is created in adverse poverty by amazing women
Monday 17th August - Thursday 20th August (4 days)
Monday 24th August – 28th August (5 days)
Friday 11th September and Saturday 12th September (2 days)
There will be hand made cards, silk scarves and other gifts for sale. All proceeds will go to the 600 children and 150 destitute mothers who live at Sreepur plus the Street Children project we run on the railway, the river banks and at Dhaka airport. Millions of street children live literally on the streets in Bangladesh.
Ruby Porter MBE
Trustee The Sreepur Village Bangladesh - Sreepur news
Thank you Ruby
Rubina M Porter

Saturday, 18 July 2015

Embroiders' Guild House Workshop

Magna Carta (An Embroidery)

Subject: Re: Magna Carta (An Embroidery) - Advance Notice

Dear All

We are delighted to let you know that the Magna Carta (An Embroidery) will be coming to The Whitworth Art Gallery in Manchester from the 8th August 2015 for two months.

 Magna Carta (An Embroidery) was commissioned by the Ruskin School of Art at the University of Oxford in partnership with the British Library and in association with the Embroiderers’ Guild, Fine Cell Work, Hand & Lock and the Royal School of Needlework.

Please check The Whitworth website for more details about the exhibition which will be added in the next 7 to 10 days

 The Whitworth

The University of Manchester

Oxford Road


M15 6ER

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Book It

All those who attended yesterday's meeting had a treat as Veronica Wells brought a selection of her small books to show us.
just a few

She has always had a love of or "obsession with" small notebooks. She then went on a course to learn about altered books and made one for her husband's 60th birthday. She has made many more since.
She is keen on travel and has produced journals containing mementos of memorable trips.
and a love of nature is obvious.
Making covered notebooks from collages printed on to fabrics
led to personalised notebooks and canvas bags printed and then embellished

 Veronica has never been afraid of trying new techniques and showed us some pages with apertures that are not yet finished.

One book contained a section of a photo interpreted in paper collage and in fabric & stitch.
Veronica has moved on to postcards and folded books and we look forward to seeing lots more of her finished articles as well as UFOs. 
We all marvelled at the amount of work as well as the very high standard. I am sure we all left greatly inspired to produce some notebooks of our own.
Thank You Veronica